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Healthcare Summit 2020 Cancellation Announcement

A message from WVSMA President Dr. Sherri Young and WVSMA President-Elect Dr. P. Bradley Hall


Dear West Virginia State Medical Association Colleague,


After careful consideration and thoughtful deliberation inclusive of recommendations from the Scientific Education Sessions Committee and the Executive Committee, we are regretfully cancelling this year’s Healthcare Summit as a result of these unprecedented times we face navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. We join with other professional organizations, like the West Virginia Hospital Association, in making this difficult decision.


We look forward in 2021 to carrying on our long-standing tradition of meeting at The Greenbrier. If you have already made room reservations for the 2020 Healthcare Summit, The Greenbrier has agreed to honor your reduced room rate.


While the Healthcare Summit is an annual opportunity for learning and fellowship, necessities this year allowed WVSMA in the past several months to best continue serving its membership virtually. Throughout the pandemic, we have kept our members informed on an almost-daily basis of emerging federal and state updates relating to how the COVID-19 virus is affecting the practice of medicine.  The WVSMA will continue providing the most current and relevant information to our membership.


When our members expressed a need for personal protective equipment, we responded by negotiating for the wholesale purchase of PPE and continue to provide purchasing access to our members.


We bring organized medicine’s message to policy makers and learn from our colleagues by hosting or co-sponsoring a series of virtual teleconferences with guests including Academy of Family Practice President Dr. Joanna Bailey, Medicaid Commissioner Cindy Beane,  Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, Sen. Joe Manchin, Coronavirus Czar Dr. Clay Marsh, Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, State Health Officer Dr. Cathy Slemp and Sen. Tom Takubo, a Charleston pulmonologist.


We consult with and assist every level of government to move West Virginia through the pandemic and to ensure our members’ needs and knowledge are voiced and addressed in the decision-making process.


Dr. Young notes, “When I premiered my Year of Giving Back theme what seems like decades ago at our Healthcare Summit Luncheon at The Greenbrier, none of us had any idea how much West Virginia physicians would be called upon during the months following to preserve the health of our citizens and try and explaining them through a novel virus that would cripple the world. This pandemic is continuing. We don’t know how it will look in three months, one of the reasons we are cancelling the Healthcare Summit. As the health care professionals our patients most trust, we are able to treat them and our communities and lead them through this difficult time. I have never been prouder to be one of your colleagues.”


Dr. Hall notes, “Physicians are working harder than ever during an extremely stressful time, while simultaneously balancing their own personal and family needs.  In addition to concerns of meeting payroll, peer distress/trauma, supporting staff and patients; they are wondering how their practices will look and function in a post COVID-19 future.  These unprecedented stressors and distress contribute to a high risk of burnout, mental illness, physical health, other unhealthy behavior such as substance misuse and even suicide. It is well known that healthy physicians give better care, including increased patient satisfaction, increased treatment adherence, lower malpractice risk, higher team function, lower turnover and improved treatment recommendations.  As with any medical illness, prevention and early intervention improve outcomes including those of physician health and well-being.   Be proactive and take care of yourself. Spend time with loved ones; talk to your peers and friends. Be well, and be safe. Contact me ( if you have any needs or questions.”


The WVSMA staff continues to be available to serve you. Please contact with any questions.




Sherri Young, DO, FAFP



Bradley Hall, MD


Scientific and Educational Sessions Committee Chair